14 Simple Ways to Encourage Kindness in Children

14 Simple Ways to Encourage Kindness in Children

14 Simple Ways to Encourage Kindness in Children

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As a parent, one of your most important jobs is to encourage kindess in your children. Learning this important life skill will set your child up for a lifetime of positivity and generosity. Below, we reveal several simple ways you can increase kindness in your little ones.

Why is it Important to Encourage Kindness in Children?

Being kind helps children to develop empathy, compassion, and positive relationships with others. It also contributes to creating a more harmonious and cooperative community. Kindness can also improve a child’s own self-esteem and mental well-being. Furthermore, learning to be kind at a young age can set a strong foundation for a lifetime of positive and respectful interactions with others.

The Repercussions of Not Teaching Kindness

If a child does not learn how to be kind to others, they may have difficulties in forming and maintaining positive relationships with peers and adults, both in personal and professional settings. This could lead to social isolation, difficulties in communication and collaboration, and potentially lower self-esteem and confidence. Additionally, unkind behavior can have negative consequences for others, potentially causing harm and damaging relationships. It is important for parents and caregivers to provide guidance and modeling of positive social behavior to help children develop strong social and emotional skills.

14 ways to encourage kindness in childen

Simple Ways to Encourage Kindness in Children

1. Lead by example: Children learn best by watching their parents and other adults. Model kindness in your own behavior and talk about why it’s important.

2. Praise kind acts: When you see your child being kind, make sure to acknowledge and praise their behavior.

3. Teach empathy: Help your child understand what others might be feeling. This will encourage them to think about others when making decisions and acting.

4. Encourage acts of kindness: Encourage your child to perform small acts of kindness, like helping a friend or offering to share their toys.

5. Teach coping skills: When children are upset, they may not be able to act with kindness. Teach your child coping skills, like deep breathing and counting to ten, to help them regulate their emotions.

6. Read books and watch shows that promote kindness: Find books and media that feature characters who are kind and compassionate. Discuss these characters and the positive impact of their actions.

7. Volunteer together: Engage in community service together, as a family. This can help children see the positive impact they can have on others and reinforce the importance of kindness.

8. Encourage kindness through play: Play games that promote cooperation, sharing and helping others, such as board games or team sports.

9. Teach conflict resolution: Teach your child how to resolve conflicts peacefully and kindly, and model this behavior yourself.

10. Talk about emotions: Discuss with your child how different emotions can drive behavior and encourage them to understand why it’s important to be kind, even when others are not.

11. Encourage gratitude: Teach your child to be thankful for what they have and to express gratitude towards others.

12. Support community service: Encourage your child to participate in volunteer activities, such as donating toys to a children’s hospital or helping to clean up a local park.

13. Highlight the positive: Point out positive behavior in others and emphasize how it makes them and those around them feel.

14. Create a kindness jar: Encourage your child to perform acts of kindness and write them down on pieces of paper. Place the notes in a jar as a way to track their progress and recognize their efforts.

Final Thoughts

Remember, the most important thing is to consistently model kindness in your own behavior and to make sure your child understands why it’s important to be kind to others. It may be hard at times, but think about the impact you’re having on your child who is observing you and it will start to come naturally before you know it. 

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10 Good Behavior Books for Toddlers: Helpful Stories to Tame Your Wild Child

10 Good Behavior Books for Toddlers: Helpful Stories to Tame Your Wild Child

10 Good Behavior Books for Toddlers: Helpful Stories to Tame Your Wild Child

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Books on good behavior are beneficial for children to read because they help to teach children important social skills, values, and moral principles. These books can help children understand how to treat others with kindness and respect, make responsible choices, and develop good habits. Reading about positive behaviors can also serve as a role model for children and inspire them to behave in a similar way. Additionally, books can also help children to understand the consequences of their actions, both positive and negative, and develop empathy for others.

Books About Temper Tantrums and Mischevious Behavior

The Bad Seed by Pete Oswald

The Bad Seed is a New York Times Bestseller. Plus, it’s Amazon Prime’s most read title of 2019. This popular book tells a story about a bad seed with bad manners and a bad attitude. It’s is a funny yet thought-provoking tale that reminds us about the transformative power of our own will. Similarly, it demonstrates that change is possible in each and every one of us.

This book is best for children ages 3 – 7. It’s perfect for young readers and makes a fantastic bedtime story for tots.

Angry Ninja by Mary Nhin

The book Angry Ninja utilizes fun, pint-size charectors to walk your toddler through the stages of anger. Angry Ninja gets upset a lot. But one day, his friend introduces him to a simple strategy that helps him control his emotions.

This good behavior book is great for toddlers and kids ages 3 – 11. It helps children recognize the signs of anger and peacefully control the outcome. 

A Little Spot of Anger by Diane Adler

There are so many things that cause toddlers to experience anger. Whether it be someone taking their toy, feeling powerless, or having to do something they don’t want to do, children can be easily angered.

This book teaches toddlers easy ways to manage their own anger. Plus, it shows them fun ways to stay calm. It’s great for kids ages 2 – 6 and is part of a wonderful behavioral book series by Diane Adler.

Good Behavior Books for Toddlers about Kindess and Positivity

One of the most important things a parent does, is teach their child how to be kind. Being respectul and kind to people, animals, and the environment is a critical life skill that must be implemented. Below, we’ll share our top choices for kids books on kindness.

This thoughtful book teaches children a valuable lesson about giving, sharing, and caring. Plus, we learn that kindess and appreciation goes a long way in making our planet a happier place for everyone. Learning how to fill other people’s buckets is a lifestyle change that benefits both kids and adults. That said, this is a fantastic behavior book to read together with your child.

This book is best for children ages 3 – 6. In addition, 50% of all proceeds to non-profits that serve children and families.

What If Everybody Did That? by Ellen Javernick

This is a fantastic book that teaches kids the importance of being kind to the environment. If they throw just one juice box out the window, it won’t cause too much harm. But what if everybody did that?

This good behavior book is perfect for toddlers and kids ages 3 – 6. It teaches them that we all have to work together to make the world a healthy and beautiful place. 

Written by Jon Gordon, The Energy Bus is an illustrated adaptaion of the bestselling fable. This book shows children how to be their best by overcoming negativity, bullies, and everyday challenges. Plus, it teaches kids how to find inner motivation and pass on positive energy and love to others.

Positive kids become positive adults. Start your kids on the right track with a beautiful vision and positive attitude about life.

Toddler Books about Listening, Yelling, and Voice Control

Listening and keeping your voice quiet and calm are important traits that every child must learn. Yelling and screaming are acceptable in certain situations. However, children need to learn how to control unwelcome outbursts. Below, we’ll share our favorite toddler books about yelling, screaming, and talking too much. 

Lacey Walker, Nonstop Talker by Christianne C. Jones

If you have a child that talks too much, this book is for them. Lacey Walker talks all the time and never gives other friends a turn to speak. It isn’t until she loses her voice that she understands the importance of listening. 

This book is best for children ages 3 – 6. It teaches children the important life lesson of listening to others. Plus, it reveals to kids all the fun and interesting things they can learn when they close their mouthes and open their ears.  

Voices Are Not For Yelling by Elizabeth Verdick

Yelling and screaming are a normal part of life for very young children. Toddlers don’t yet have the words to express strong feelings and they’re still learning social skills. This easy-to-read board book helps your child understand why it’s better to use an indoor voice. Specifically, so that people hear their words and not their yelling. Plus, this book teaches toddlers practical ways to calm down and ask for help so they can get what they need.

This book is perfect for toddlers ages 1 – 4. Also, it comes with a tips page for parents at the end of the book to help put these new skills into action. 

Listening Time by Elizabeth Verdick

Listening Time is another exemplory title by Elizabeth Verdick. When it’s time for toddlers to listen closely, this book shows them how. Children will learn how to open their ears and close their mouthes so listening can begin. Even more, this good behavior book is easy to understand and implement for even the smallest of tots. 

This book is perfect for toddlers ages 1 – 4. It’s designed for younger children but it can be a good refresher course for older kids.

Quiet Loud by Leslie Patricelli

Besides teaching toddlers the concept of volume, this book also teaches tham about opposites. Quiet Loud is simply illustrated and easy to comprehend. Therefore, this board book is a perfect read for babies and toddlers alike.

This book is perfect for toddlers ages 1 – 3. Plus, it’s part of a full series to help your toddler easily understand even more aspects of the world. 

Final Thoughts

Overall, good behavior books for toddlers play an important role in shaping a child’s character and preparing them for a successful future. Reading books also help children develop empathy and emotional intelligence as they can understand and relate to the experiences and feelings of characters in the stories.

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Organic Elderberry Syrup Recipe: Quick and Easy Formulation

Organic Elderberry Syrup Recipe: Quick and Easy Formulation

Organic Elderberry Syrup Recipe: Quick and Easy Formulation

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What is Organic Elderberry Syrup?

This organic elderberry syrup recipe is an original formulation that brings together the benefits of both elderberry and turmeric. It’s specifically designed with busy parents in mind using high-quality superfoods. Plus, it’s an easy to follow recipe that takes less than an hour from start to finish.

History & Health Benefits: What is an Elderberry?

Elderberries are bluish-purple berries that grow on Elder trees. They can be covered with a white bloom at maturity. Elder trees are indigenous to the western United States and can grow to 30 feet tall. Their berries are typically not eaten raw but commonly made into wines or jellies. Consequently, elderberries should not be eaten uncooked as they may cause nausea.

Elderberries: A Holistic Superfood?

A 2004 study explains, “Elderberry has been used in folk medicine for centuries to treat influenza, colds and sinusitis, and has been reported to have antiviral activity against influenza.”  During the study, patients who received 15 ml of elderberry syrup 4 times per day for 5 days had their flu-like symptoms relieved an average of 4 days sooner than those who received a placebo syrup. (2)

Is Organic Elderberry Syrup Good for You?

Elderberries are highly nutritious. They’re low in calories and loaded in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They may also provide several healing properties when taken appropriately. According to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, elderberry may act as a cold and flu preventative, decrease risk of cardiovascular disease, combat fatigue, aid in weight loss, and lower your cancer risk. (3)

Wild Elderberries on Tree

Are There Other Ways to Take Elderberry Besides a Syrup?

There are several other ways to consume elderberries besides in a syrup. However, syrup seems to pack the most punch and gives you a lot of bang for your buck.

When you make organic elderberry syrup at home, you can guarantee it contains only the ingredients you want. For example, homemade elderberry syrup typically doesn’t contain synthetic or sugar-based preservatives you may find in store-bought syrups. Plus, you can rest assured you can have fresh elderberry syrup in less than an hour’s time once the cold or flu bug strikes. 

Elderberry Gummies

Gummies are a great way to get the benefits of elderberry if you don’t have access to syrup. However, gummies are likely to have more ingredients hiding inside including added sugar, binders or fillers. You can find my favorite organic elderberry gummies here which have approximately 400 mg of elderberry, 55% daily value of zinc, and only 2 grams of added sugar per serving.

Elderberry Tincture

Similar to gummies, tinctures and liquid supplements are another great way to get the benefits of elderberry. Alcohol is a common preservative in tinctures which may or may not be a concern for some adults, or if you plan on giving any to children. Besides elderberry and alcohol, common ingredients in tinctures may include glycerin, sugar, and flavors. See my favorite alcohol-free elderberry liquid supplement here. In addition to being alcohol-free, it’s also organic and vegan. 

Where to Buy Elderberry Syrup Online?

For busy parents, making homemade elderberry syrup is not always feasible. If you want to purchase a pre-made elderberry syrup, you have fantastic options avaliable. My favorite pre-made syrups are this Elder Berry Syrup Herbal Supplement and this Organic Black Elderberry Syrup.

Organic Elderberry Syrup Recipe: How to Make a Small Batch for Anti-Inflammatory Immune Support

Organic Elderberry Syrup Recipe

This sweet & spicy blend of elderberries, manuka honey, and herbs makes a delicious and immune boosting elderberry syrup recipe. Please note: Do not give this recipe or any honey product to children under the age of 1 or to anyone allergic to any of the ingredients.



  1. Pour the water into a medium ceramic non-stick sauce pan.
  2. Add the dried elderberrys and Golden Mellow Mix to the water and bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce heat and simmer for 20 – 25 minutes, stirring occasionally until the liquid has reduced by about half.
  4. Remove from heat and let cool until room temperature.
  5. Mash the mixture to get as much juice out of the berries as possible.
  6. Pour mixture through a fine mesh strainer into a glass bowl.
  7. Add Manuka Honey and stir until well mixed.
  8. Cool quickly, pour into a mason jar, cap with a size appropriate air tight lid, and store in the refrigerator.


The standard daily dose my family takes for immune support is no more than 1 teaspoon for kids and no more than 1 tablespoon for adults. Consult with a qualified physician to determine the best dosage for you and your family. 

I prefer to cap my mason jars with a BPA-free flip top lid rather than a typical canning lid. Canning lids are meant for one-time-use and tend to rust over time. Another reason I prefer to make a small batch of syrup is because when the jar is full, it tends to dribble out a little bit when being poured. If you buy mason jar flip top lids, make sure they are size appropriate to your mason jars. 

What to do with Leftover Organic Elderberry Mash

I don’t suggest reusing or consuming any of the leftover elderberry mash after straining. The best way to dispose of the leftover elderberries would be to compost them in your yard or garden. Composting is a much more eco-friendly way to dispose of leftover food than putting it in the trash or down the sink. 

Another great idea would be to put the leftovers in a clear tabletop compost bin. This can help teach kids about decomposition, life cycles, and environmental science. 

Learning Insights Tabletop Kitchen Compost Container for Kids

Can you Substitute the Manuka Honey in Elderberry Syrup?

Yes, you may substitute the Manuka Honey in your elderberry syrup. Feel free to use a different nutrient-dense sweetener but I do believe Maunka Honey is the best option. If you’re unable to use Manuka honey for this recipe, a good quality Non-GMO honey from a local beekeeper is also a great option. ​If you want to substitute the honey all together, you may also use a high-quality organic maple syrup

Benefits of Manuka Honey

According to Wedderspoon, “Manuka Honey is a unique honey that comes from the Manuka flower nectar gathered by the bees in New Zealand. Manuka (or mānuka) is a Māori word that refers to the flower that grows on both New Zealand’s North and South Islands. The Manuka shrub has a very short annual bloom, which means that Manuka Honey is rare and highly sought after. Over 60 different compounds have been isolated from Manuka nectar, including antioxidants and polyphenols. Moreover, its multitude of uses makes Manuka Honey a multitasking superfood.”

​I buy the Wedderspoon KFactor 16 Manuka Honey because the nectar source comes mostly from the Manuka plant. Plus, it’s brimming with living enzymes & complex chemical compounds. These elements work together in harmony to produce a multifaceted superfood. In addition, this honey is unpasteurized, free of antibiotics, pesticides, glyphosate, gluten, and added sugars. The only downside is that it’s a little expensive. If you can’t stomach the cost, any authentic Manuka honey will likely provide similar elements and micro-nutrients. Manuka is simply more powerful than the sum of its parts.

Is Manuka Honey Safe for Children?

According to the Cleveland Clinc, babies under the age of 1 should not consume raw honey or any honey in baked and processed foods. Honey “may contain spores from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. While not a problem for those of use with more mature digestive tracts, in babies, the spores can cause botulism, which is an illness that produces toxins that can lead to skeletal muscle paralysis.” (7)

Benefits of Your Super Golden Mellow Mix

Your Super Golden Mellow Organic Superfood Mix

Your Super Golden Mellow Organic Superfood Mix is perfect for this recipe for a multitude of reasons. One reason is because this recipe is an easy elderberry syrup recipe. The goal is to make this as uncomplicated as possible. Even people short on time or who aren’t a whiz in the kitchen can benefit from this recipe. Rather than searching and sourcing a wide variety of herbs and spices, Your Super Golden Mellow has done it all for you. For instance, it combines 6 superfoods powders into one harmonious mix.


Golden Mellow Ingredients

Golden Mellow is USDA certified organic, Non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan, dairy-free, soy-free, contains no additives, comes from a transparent supply chain, and was formulated by holistic nutritionists. It contains powerful Ayurvedic herbs like turmeric and adaptogens like ashwagandha. Other superfood spices include ginger, cinnamon, lucuma, and pepper. 

  • Turmeric has been used in India for thousands of years for medicinal purposes. What makes this golden spice so powerful is the active compound curcumin, which is a natural anti-inflammatory.
  • Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that reduces stress and anxiety and naturally balances hormones and adrenals. Latin for “sleep-inducing,” ashwagandha can also improve your quality of sleep.
  • Ginger is a close relative to turmeric. Ginger root has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Cinnamon dates as far back as ancient Egypt, this popular spice is rich in powerful antioxidants and a natural anti-inflammatory.
  • Beloved by the Incas, lucuma has finally found a way to us. It’s not only super nutritious, but also delicious with its sweet, maple-like taste!
  • Known as “the king of spices,” black pepper is rich in antioxidants and piperine, the main active plant compound. Pepper also enhances the body’s absorption of curcumin up to 2,000%.

Click here to get 15% off Golden Mellow here with promo code SPROUT15

Shelf Life of Elderberry Syrup

The shelf life of elderberry syrup varies depending on what ingredients you use and how you store the syrup. I don’t recommend storing this on the countertop or in a cabinet. The product of this recipe must be kept in the refrigerator for safety and optimal results. 

How Long Does Organic Elderberry Syrup Last in the Fridge?

As a personal rule of thumb, I typically throw out any leftover Organic Elderberry Syrup after 7 days to err on the safe side – which is another reason why I like to make a small batch. I’ve personally noticed mold growth in this syrup after about 3 – 4 weeks in the fridge. 

Can you Freeze Elderberry Syrup in an Ice Cube Tray?

Absolutely! If you’re not going to use your full batch of elderberry syrup before it goes bad, freezing the leftovers in a BPA-free no-spill ice cube tray is a great way to make it last a few weeks longer. After all, you’ll be so proud of the delicious herbal concoction you made, you won’t want to see any of it go to waste!

Golden Elderberry Syrup leftovers in a bpa-free ice cube tray

Additional Methods for Making Elderberry Syrup

One great thing about homemade elderberry syrup, is that there are infinite different ways you can create and cook this nutritious recipe. Not all recipes are one-size-fits-all. You can tweak them and adjust them to your heart’s desire. If you don’t want to include a specific ingredient you can typically sub it out for something else.  

Experiment with Other Ingredients

Once you get an elderberry syrup recipe dialed in, feel free to experiment by adding or removing ingredients to make something uniquely your own. Other fun and nutritious ingredients to consider may be an organic blend of hibiscus and mangosteenIrish sea mossnutmeglycii berries (similar to goji berries), dandilion root powderechinacea and rosehips, or Moon Balance Mix.

How to Make Elderberry Syrup Video: Recipe and Pro Tips by Mountain Rose Herbs

If you’re looking for something more in-depth, check out the video below. The instructor uses lots of organic dried herbs and cooking tools in her recipe. These items include aromatic ginger root, fair trade cinnamon sticks, organic dried elderberries, and unbleached organic cheesecloth. Plus, you can buy all of the ingredients directly from their website. 


  1. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/elderberry?s=t
  2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15080016/​
  3. https://share.upmc.com/2020/02/benefits-of-elderberry/
  4. http://yoursuper.krym8q.net/oj3Rb
  5. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00000311.htm
  6. https://wedderspoon.com/pages/manuka-standards
  7. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/when-is-it-safe-to-give-honey-to-my-baby/

The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any type of disease or medical condition. The Smartest Sprout does not make any claims in regards to the benefits of honey, spices, herbs, herbal supplements, or this recipe in general. All information presented is for educational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner and your child’s pediatrician for approval before taking any herbal supplement, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or taking any medications. Kids should not handle hot liquid and all cooking should be done by an adult. Any opinions written are solely the thoughts of the author.

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The 14 Best Books on Communication in Marriage

The 14 Best Books on Communication in Marriage

The 14 Best Books on Communication in Marriage

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No matter what state your marriage is in, it’s always helpful to brush up on communication advice. After lots of exploration and research, we reveal our choices for the best books on communication in marriage.  

Communication in Marriage

Do you remember when you first fell in love with your spouse? Specifically, the thoughtfulness, understanding, and patience? If you’re like most couples, things are different today than when you first met. For example, demanding jobs, raising children, and even in-laws can have an enormous impact on the quality of your marriage and the way you communicate with your spouse.

Over the years, the communication between you and your partner may have become short, careless, insincere, and even uncomfortable. Remember, communication isn’t limited to just speaking. For instance, communication comes in many forms including verbal, written, and physical touch. Topics can range from everything from physical intimacy, to financial communication, how to discipline children, spiritual communication, and more. 

If the quality of communication with your spouse isn’t where you want it to be, doesn’t mean there’s no hope for the future. I encourage you to read a few books on communication in marriage and invest in your relationship wholeheartedly. 

An Easy Way to Brush Up on Marriage Communication Advice

A great strategy to help keep your marriage successful is to read relationship self-help books for guidance and advice. With your busy schedule, you likely don’t have time to sit around and read books on communication in marriage all day. With this in mind, an Audible membership allows you to listen to audiobooks wherever you are.

To help get your feet wet, make sure to take advantage of the special offer available below. If you sign up for a free 30-day trial of Audible, you can get up to two books for free. Plus, if you’re not satisfied you can cancel at any time.

*Sign up for a 30-Day Free Trial of Audible Premium Plus and Get Up to Two Free Audiobooks

The Best Books on Communication in Marriage

The Best Books on Communication in Marriage

Below is a list of the best books on communication in marriage. Communication is an extremely broad term when it relates to marriage and it touches nearly every aspect of your relationship. Not all of these books focus solely on verbal communication. However, all of them offer valuable advice which may improve the lines of communication between you and your spouse. Please explore them all with an open mind and an open heart. 

1. The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts

by Gary Chapman

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Learn how your partner best receives love and how to show love to your spouse.
  • Discover thoughtful communication strategies and communication skills.

  • Find out how to validate your partner’s feelings through emotional validation, and physical validation.

  • Plus, discover your own love language and how you best receive love.

  • Read more about this marriage book…

2. Dear Wife: 10 Minute Invitations to Practice Connection with Your Husband

by Amanda Davison

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Learn how to build deep intimacy and love within your relationship.

  • Discover how to swap ongoing complacency with intentional connection.

  • In addition, explore guided thoughtful reflection time through questions and answers.

  • Read more about this marriage book…

3. The Love Dare

by Alex Kendrick

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Explore a 40-day couples challenge that can be done secretly as an individual, or as a pair in cooperation or in competition.

  • Complete each “Dare” and you may grow stronger and happier within your relationship.

  • Plus, some formats contain a free online marriage evaluation.

  • Read more about this marriage book…

4. I Hear You: The Surprisingly Simple Skill Behind Extraordinary Relationships

by Michael S. Sorensen

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Discover the truth about happy marriages.
  • Explore different types of marital conflict.

  • Learn how to solve problems in your marriage.

  • Find solutions to overcoming relationship gridlock.

  • In addition, learn how the author predicts divorce.

  • Read more about this marriage book…

5. Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love

by Dr. Sue Johnson

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Learn how to save and enrich a relationship by reestablishing emotional connection and preserving the attachment bond. 

  • Find out how hurtful conversations and rocky relationship memories are used as touchpoints for healing conversations. 

  • Explore case study reviews from a marriage and family therapist practice.

  • In addition, couples can learn how to nurture their relationships through illuminating advice and practical exercises. 
  • Read more about this marriage book…

6. Eight Dates: Essential Conversations for a Lifetime of Love

by John M. Gottman, PH.D., and Julie Schwartz Gottman PH.D

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Discover how to strengthen and deepen your love with a fun, ingenious program utilizing eight life-changing conversations. 

  • The authors invite you on eight fun, easy, and profoundly rewarding dates, each one focused on a make-or-break-issue. Specifically, trust, conflict, romance, money, family, adventure, spirituality, and dreams. 

  • Read more about this marriage book…

7. One Question a Day for You & Me: Daily Reflections for Couples, A Three Year Journal

by Aimee Chase

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Discover easy and thoughtful questions to ask your partner to get to know them better.

  • A 365-day journal prompts allow for year-over-year reflection and growth as a couple and as individuals.

  • This makes a unique, sentimental gift for your husband or wife.

  • Read more about this marriage book…

8. The Four Laws of Love: Guaranteed Success for Every Married Couple

by Jimmy Evans

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Explore the foundation of marriage in the Bible.

  • Learn how to prioritize your relationships.

  • Discover the tools for financial intimacy and partnership.

  • Plus, learn how to disarm anger and destructive dominance.

  • Read more about this marriage book…

9. Cherish: The One Word That Changes Everything for Your Marriage

by Gary Thomas

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Learn to turn around a marriage full of neglect and disrespect.

  • See how to cherish your spouse through proven, loving, and everyday actions and words.

  • Plus, learn how going out of your way to notice, appreciate, honor, and encourage your spouse will bring hope, light, and life into your marriage.

  • Read more about this marriage book…

10. Healing Your Marriage When Trust is Broken: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration

by Cindy Beall

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Find out how to survive infidelity and restore your relationship.

  • Read about how to rebuild trust in a relationship after lying and addictions.

  • Discover how to help your family heal from infidelity.

  • Learn how to seek counseling, guidance, and support from others.
  • Plus, find out how to protect your marriage from infidelity and lies.

  • Read more about this marriage book…

11. Keep Showing Up: How to Stay Crazy in Love When Your Love Drives You Crazy

by Karen Ehman

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Discover how to play to each other’s strengths as you work on your own weaknesses.
  • Find out how to become a faithful forgiver who also forgets.
  • See why it’s dangerous to mimic a friend’s marriage.
  • In addition, explore how to unearth the magic in the mundane.
  • Read more about this marriage book…

12. 10 Ways to a Stronger Marriage

by Trea & Lea Morgan

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Explore practical marriage advice that is easy to read and understand.

  • Unearth several of the top problems facing marriages today. 

  • Discover lots of marriage boosters that take just a few minutes to implement. 

  • Learn about the co-existence of cell phones and romantic relationships.

  • Help determine the intimacy killers in marriage.

  • Plus, the authors discuss having friends of the opposite gender while married.

  • Read more about this marriage book…

13. The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country’s Foremost Relationship Expert

by John M. Gottman, PH.D., and Nan Silver

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Discover the truth about happy marriages.
  • Explore different types of marital conflict.

  • Find out how to solve different problems that arise within your marriage.

  • Learn different solutions to overcoming relationship gridlock.

  • Plus, see how the author predicts divorce.

  • Read more about this marriage book…

14. Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life

by Marshall B. Rosenberg PhD

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Violence isn’t always defined as physical harm. For example, bullying, blaming, and discrimination can also be considered violent.
  • Understand how words contribute to connection or distance.
  • Learn to share “power with others” rather than “power over others”.

  • Plus, discover how to connect empathically with yourself and others to have more satisfying relationships.

  • Read more about this marriage book…

Final Thoughts

Communication in marriage is critical because it helps to establish and maintain a strong, healthy relationship between partners. Implementing the skills you learn in the books above may help you understand your partner’s needs, desires, and expectations, and help you work together to resolve conflicts and build a fulfilling life.

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Best Nugget Couch Accessories: 8 Products to Enhance Your Builds

Best Nugget Couch Accessories: 8 Products to Enhance Your Builds

Best Nugget Couch Accessories: 8 Products to Enhance Your Builds

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The Nugget play couch is one of the most creative toys on the planet. Creating Nugget couch builds is an exciting and all-encompassing way for kids to play! Furthermore, adding the best Nugget couch accessories to your builds can launch your play time to the next level of fun! 

What is a Nugget Couch?

A Nugget play couch is an infinitely configurable toy couch. It’s made up of 6 foam pieces zipped inside of a colorful fabric cover. The Nugget is extremely popular but typically has a notoriously long waitlist for orders. Unfortunately, this causes many families to either wait months for a Nugget or purchase a Nugget alternative 

Educational Benefits to Using Nugget Accessories

Play couch accessories can provide additional benefits that surpass your standard Nugget builds. They encourage extra creativity, imagination, and critical thinking skills. Plus, they make play time more fun overall!

Physical Benefits

  • Gross motor skill development
  • Muscle growth
  • Coordination
  • Balance

Cognitive Benefits

  • Creativity
  • Logical thinking
  • Role play
  • Cooperation skills

Different Ways to Use Nugget Accessories

There are many different ways to use Nugget couch accessories. You can use them to add slickness to your slide builds, create adventurous pathways between structures, and improve your forts. Plus, you can use them as stand-alone toys without incorporating your Nugget at all!

Please know that none of the below accessories are branded by or endorsed by Nugget Comfort. They are simply the accessories that The Smartest Sprout team thinks work best with many Nugget configurations.

The Best Nugget Couch Accessories

1. Montessori Slide & Rock Climbing Wall

  • This Montessori Nugget couch accessory transitions from a slide to a rock climbing wall.
  • It encourages the development of gross motor skills, balance, and creativity.
  • It’s compatible with most couches and Nugget configurations.
  • Plus, it’s made in the USA.
  • Read more about this Nugget couch accessory…

2. Space-Saving Bed & Sofa Slide

  • This fun slide is one of the best accessories to pair with a couch, bed, or many nugget configurations.
  • It’s a great space-saving slide because it can fit under many beds and in larger closets.
  • Plus, it encourages muscle development, coordination, and gross motor skills.
  • Read more about this Nugget couch accessory…

3. Castle Gate Accessory

  • This play couch accessory incorporates a working gate or drawbridge into your Nugget builds. 
  • Your child can take their roll-play game to the next level with the ability to turn their forts into more realistic castles.
  • For illustration purposes, the image shown above includes the full Zipline Playscape plus the castle gate accessory. Not all items shown are included with the castle gate. Please see the full Amazon description to see what is included.
  • Read more about this play couch accessory…

4. Foam Couch Stairs

  • Technically, these stairs are designed for pets. However, many Nugget families rave about how great they work with their Nugget builds.
  • You can use these stairs with a couch, bed, and many different Nugget configurations.
  • It’s available in three different heights and has an impressive weight limit of up to 100 pounds.
  • Furthermore, these stairs are made with CertiPUR-US Certified Foam. That means they are free from ozone depleters, PDBW flame retardants, mercury, and lead.
  • Read more about this Nugget couch accessory…

5. Wooden Balance Board

  • This multi-use balance board helps kids develop coordination skills, stimulates their vestibular system, and creates body awareness.
  • It supports toddlers, teens, and adults up to 450 pounds.
  • The balance board can be used as a slide, tunnel, or fence in combination with your Nugget builds.
  • Plus, it’s environmentally-friendly and meets Australian, European, and United States safety standards.
  • Read more about this Nugget couch accessory…

6. Foldable Foam Wedge

  •  This play couch accessory will add a whole new dimension to your configurations. 
  • Adding the foam wedge to your build increases creativity and helps develop motor skills.
  • Plus, this versatile wedge can transform from a wedge to a cube just by flipping up one of the sides.
  • Read more about this play couch accessory…

7. Adjustable Wooden Balance Beam

  • This multi-functional balance beam inspires your child to constantly move and engage in physical activity.
  • In addition, encourages the development of balance and coordination skills.
  • The beams are built from solid wood and coated with an environmentally friendly varnish.
  • This balance beam can adjust into several different formations. Even more, it can be put between separate Nugget structures encouraging kids to walk the beam to get from one to another.
  • Read more about this Nugget couch accessory…

8. Stepping Stones

  • These stepping stones are lightweight and durable making them easy for kids to set up and move around.
  • Children can create an endless variety of stone pathways to get from one Nugget cushion to the next.
  • Plus, these stepping stones are a great way for kids to incorporate additional imaginative play into their Nugget activities.
  • Read more about this Nugget couch accessory…

Play at your own risk. The Smartest Sprout is not responsible for any damages, injuries, or death, caused by using any indoor play couch or the accessories shown above.  

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